Go therefore and
make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
Missions, whether local or foreign, are about ordinary people doing extraordinary things in the power of the Holy Spirit. Through this process, ordinary people mature from selfishness to selflessness. Pray and take a step of faith, whether it’s committing to once a month, twice a month or once a week. It may seem a small thing to you, but God sees you are intentionally serving Him. Jesus said, “And whoever in the name of a disciple gives to one of these little ones even a cup of cold water to drink, truly I say to you, he shall not lose his reward”. Your local church, where you have sustained relationships, is the best place to get involved.

Get involved with our partner ministries
Christian Assistance Ministry (CAM)

POC: Viola Marshall
Shares the love of Christ by providing immediate assistance and encouragement to people in crisis.
LSBC Handyman Ministry

Shares the love of Christ by providing assistance to our church family and the community by sharing their skills to families needing assistance.
POC: Looking for you!
Speak the word Live

From December 26-30th, teams of four take turn reading the bible over the city of San Antonio. From start to finish, every work of scripture is spoken over our city.
POC: REbecca Muegge
LSBC Senior Adult Services

Opportunities coming soon!
POC: Looking for YOU!
Hill Country Pregnancy care Center

POC: Rose Partin
Promotes the value of life and
empower individuals to make healthy choices regarding pregnancy and sexuality.
empower individuals to make healthy choices regarding pregnancy and sexuality.
Operation Christmas Child

Every December, we gather shoe boxes of gifts to distribute around the world so that the gospel of Christ might be made known
POC: Karin Cooper
Spanish Ministry in Eagle Pass

Opportunities coming soon!
POC: Kerry Allen
Churchwide Events
Men's Ministry
Women's Ministry
Student Ministry
Senior Ministry
Family Ministry
Ministerio Hispano
Local Missions
Join the mission
Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Alaska
LSBC in conjunction with Grace Works Alaska will be sending a team to Anchorage to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to reach the lost. We will be part of a larger group conducting a week of VBS in city parks from 1-4pm each day from June 16-20. We are also integrating Awana activities and training future Awana leaders to start an Awana program there as well.